Why Should Bullfighting with Calves Be Banned?

Of all the forms of bullfighting, the one performed with calves-known as Becerradas in Spain- are undoubtedly the cruellest. Mainly for two reasons:

First, because in them animals under 2 years of age are tortured and killed, and therefore the usual physical and psychological suffering of the animals during bullfights is increased due to the calves’ greater fragility, reduced reaction capacity and their desperate need to feel protected by their mothers and herd. That is why, although the adult bull hardly moos when attacked in order to show strength, the desperate bellows of pain and panic of these small animals during the fight, trying to attract the help of their own, tear the heart of anyone having a minimum of sensitivity.

Second, because calf-fighting is usually practiced by inexperienced people, like students of bullfighting schools, amateurs or the general public, who stab the instruments of torture in the wrong places of the animal body, often extracting them and nailing them again and again after unsuccessful attempts, causing a torment without equal to these small animals.

Find out more about the suffering of the calves during becerradas with this report from AVATMA: Veterinary technical report on calf-fights. (in Spanish. Please use automatic translation)

Therefore, although we think that any form of bullfighting must end, it being a form of gratuitous violence towards animals, becerradas must be eradicated immediately, because not only are they an atrocious form of torture to young animals, but inside of the bullfighting world there are many who think that they damage the image of the supposed "fiesta" and should also be eliminated. Thus, their elimination obtains more consensus between both parties than any other form of bullfighting.

The Presence of Minors

One of the most damaging aspects of calf-fighting for society is the frequent presence of minors in them, either as spectators or as torturers themselves (see video). This aberration makes children and youngsters active agents of this violence towards young animals, contravening what was indicated by the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child, which in 2018 urged Spain to prohibit the participation of children under 18 as bullfighters or spectators of bullfighting events in order to prevent the harmful effects of such violence on them and their desensitization towards the suffering of the animals, realized by the mere fact of entertainment.

Consequently, we demand:

The necessary national and regional regulation is carried out so that bullfights cannot be performed, in public or private, with bovine animals under 2 years of age, whether the animals are publicly killed or not, in any Autonomous Community in Spain.

These shows are regulated by the Regulations of Bullfighting Shows in those Autonomous Communities that have their own or the National Regulation of Bullfighting Shows in those Autonomous Communities that do not have their own regulations. We demand that measures be taken from the corresponding Autonomous Communities in the first case and from the Ministry of Culture for the second, or from any central or regional body with the competency to do so.

The prohibition of the active or passive participation of children under 18 years of age in the bullfighting, following the recommendations of the world's leading authority on children's rights (UN CRC), and complying with article 39, point 4 of the Spanish Constitution that establishes that "Children will enjoy the protection provided for in international agreements that protect their rights."

Would you like to help us?

Sign the petition and share this campaign.

How to Help

  • 1

    Share this campaign

  • 2

    Sign the petition

  • 3

    Write to the town halls (see their email and social networks on the interactive map, passing your mouse over each of the calf-fighting locations)

  • 4

    Adhere your asssociation to the campaign #BastaBecerradas (send your logo here)

  • 5

    Do you know of a calf-fight? (Tell us here)

  • 6

    Photo or video document (carefully for your safety!) a calf-fight and send us the images here (Document if there are minors, but remember that you cannot publish them without blurring their faces) If you want instructions on how to cover the event as safely as possible, write to us.

  • 7

    Donate so we can keep fighting. LTNEC Paypal Account: Info@latorturanoescultura.com

Would you like to help us?

Let us know if you are aware that a calf-fighting is going to take place so that we can attend and film it. You can send us an email here.

What are we doing from the Platform La Tortura No Es Cultura (LTNEC) and Animal Guardians?


We send professionals to document calf-fights in video or photograph


We file complaints in different ways whenever possible


We raise awareness among society about the need to end this practice

Common Front

We create a common front to end calf fighting, because together we are stronger


We disseminate the images to national and international press and social networks, to increase pressure and awareness


We exert pressure on city councils, promoters and sponsors


We meet with the political parties to promote a law that prohibits the becerradas


We investigate to draw a map of all the calf-fights that take place in Spain

We would like to conduct a national survey on the prohibition of calf-fights that we can provide to politicians. The budget is 2,900 euros. Can you help us with a contribution? You can do it through our Paypal account: Info@latorturanoescultura.com

List of adhered organizations



Would you like to help us?

Sign the petition and share this campaign.